Craig Groeschel’s words resonate deeply within me: “We may enjoy God on the mountaintops, but we get to know Him intimately in the valleys.” My own journey as a believer over the past six years has been a testament to this profound truth. While my life has been immeasurably enriched since embracing my faith, it has not been without its challenges. In fact, some of the most daunting trials I’ve faced have occurred since becoming a Christian.
It’s easy to proclaim God’s goodness when life is going well, when we’re standing on the mountaintops. But it’s in the valleys, where the shadows loom large and the nights are darkest, that we discover the depths of His presence. As Brandon Lake so eloquently puts it, “Cause the darker the night gets, The brighter the light hits.”
I’ve experienced this phenomenon firsthand. One of the most harrowing experiences of my life was when my 14-month-old daughter suffered a severe neurological medical emergency. I recall the terror of performing mouth-to-mouth on my baby on the kitchen floor, the frantic prayers as paramedics worked to save her, and the agonizing wait as she was intubated and life-flighted to a nearby PICU.
In those darkest of moments, as a mother helpless to save her child, I was drawn into the very presence of God. I begged for His intervention, and He answered. My daughter’s recovery was nothing short of miraculous.
That valley experience taught me the value of digging deep, of growing my roots of faith stronger and more resilient. It showed me that when we’re completely helpless, we’re forced to submit to God, to pray fiercely, and to sink our roots into the promises of our faith.
Another valley experience that stands out was when my husband suffered a heart attack less than a year after my daughter’s emergency. The trauma of watching him undergo emergency open-heart surgery, the fear of losing him, and the desperation of clinging to hope – all these drove me deeper into the heart of God.
It’s in these valleys that we discover the true nature of our faith. We don’t just believe in God; we breathe Him in, we eat and sleep His presence. His truth becomes engraved on our hearts, a constant reminder that He is with us, that He holds us in our sorrow, and that He fights for us when we have no strength left.
If you’re currently navigating a difficult season, I urge you to seek God with all your heart. Plant your weary soul in the soil of His goodness and promises. He will give you peace, even in the most terrifying of times. He is good on the mountaintops, and He is good in the valleys.
May you find comfort in His presence, and may your faith bloom in the darkest of places.
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