Hey there, friend! As I sit down to write out my thoughts today, I’m reminded of the countless times I’ve let self-doubt hold me back. The enemy’s whispers of “you’re not good enough” and “you’re not capable” have been a familiar refrain. But God’s Word has consistently reminded me that He doesn’t call the equipped; He equips those He calls.
My Struggle with Self-Doubt
Growing up, I was always told I had a way with words. But despite this encouragement, I’ve struggled with self-doubt my entire life. My lack of formal education has been a persistent source of insecurity, making me wonder if I’m truly capable of making a meaningful impact.
God’s Persistent Call
Despite these doubts, God has continued to call me to use my writing skills to share His goodness and transformative power. He’s placed a burning desire in my heart to help others experience the freedom and redemption that I’ve found in Him.
The Enemy’s Tactics
But every time I take a step towards obeying God’s call, the enemy unleashes a barrage of negative self-talk. “You’re not educated enough,” “You’re not good enough,” and “You’re just a nobody” are just a few of the lies he’s whispered in my ear.
Breaking Free from Self-Doubt
So, how have I learned to break free from these lies and embrace God’s calling? For me, it’s been about surrendering my doubts and fears to God. It’s about remembering that He’s the one who equips me, not my education or my abilities.
Remembering God’s Faithfulness
One thing that’s helped me to overcome self-doubt is remembering the incredible things God has done in my life. When I start to doubt my abilities, I remind myself of the times God has shown up and done something amazing. For me, those reminders include growing and birthing three beautiful babies back to back to back, growing the mothers’ group at church from a small group of 5 to over 40, and pursuing my education as a college student while having three children under 5 years old. These reminders help me to see that God is capable of doing incredible things through me, and that gives me the courage to keep moving forward.
Embracing the Journey
As I continue on this journey of pursuing my God-given calling, I want to be raw and real with you. I’m not about “faking it till I make it” or pretending to be someone I’m not. I’m about sharing the messy, imperfect journey of surrendering to God’s will. I believe that it’s in these moments of vulnerability and authenticity that we can truly see the transformative power of God at work.
My Story, God’s Glory
I’m not an expert, and I don’t have all the answers. But what I do have is a story of God’s redemption and transformation in my life. And I want to share that with you. As I do my studies and continue to pursue my calling, I’ll be sharing my thoughts with you – the ups and downs, the triumphs and struggles. My hope is that through my story, you’ll see the power of God at work and be encouraged to surrender to His will for your own life.
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