Her + The Healer

" I'm not a pastor, expert, or preacher – just a redeemed misfit who's experienced the transformative power of God. "

My Top 10 Worship Music Playlist: Fuel for the Spiritual Fire

One of the most powerful ways to connect with God and keep our spiritual fire burning is through worship music. When we experience the truth of these songs firsthand, they become more than just melodies – they’re fuel for our souls.

I may not have the most polished singing voice, but with these songs, I’ll be praising at the top of my lungs. I’ve lived the truths they express, and they’ve become anthems of hope and redemption in my life.

I encourage you to give them a try. Let God speak to you through these lyrics. Truly listen to the words, read them if you can, and apply them to your life. When you’re struggling to find the words to pray or feeling overwhelmed, turn up the volume and sit with God in praise.

Here are my top 10 worship songs:

10. Thank God I Do by Lauren Daigle

This song brings me to tears as I reflect on my journey before knowing God. I’m grateful for the transformation He’s brought to my life.

9. Testimony by Ben Fuller

As Ben Fuller sings, “He had a purpose. He had a plan. Since He called me by name, I’ve never been the same, Amen!” These words resonate deeply with me.

8. I Need You More by Josiah Queen & Henrik

This song expresses our deep need for God, asking Him to break down our walls and draw near.

7. Carry On by Sam Wesley

Sam’s music speaks to my soul, much like his father Bart Millard’s (MercyMe). I predict a bright future for this talented artist!

6. The Prodigal by Josiah Queen

Josiah’s songs are raw, real, and relatable. He’s one of my favorite worship artists, and I highly recommend checking him out.

5. Black Sheep by Ben Fuller

I often share this song with those struggling with addiction. Ben’s story of overcoming addiction and depression is inspiring, and his lyrics offer hope and encouragement.

4. Hard Fought Hallelujah by Brandon Lake (feat. Jelly Roll)

This is our family’s favorite song! Even my toddlers love belting out the heartfelt “Hallelujah.” My 4-year-old is especially proud of her much-practiced “raspy” Hallelujah – it’s a skill she’s worked hard to perfect!

3. Still Waters by Leanna Crawford

When I need a reminder of Psalm 23, I turn to this beautiful song.

2. Walls Fall Down by Zach Williams

Ever feel like no one “gets the picture and you’re falling out the frame?” This song is for you.

1. Don’t You Give Up On Me by Brandon Lake

As Brandon Lake sings, “‘Cause the darker the night gets, the brighter the light hits.” These words have become a life motto for me, reminding me to hold onto God’s promises, even in the darkest times. This song encourages those in dark times to not give up on God and lose sight of how powerful and miraculous He is. There is no valley so low that He cannot redeem you. Don’t give up on God’s promises and continue to believe in the goodness of the Lord.

Add these songs to your daily playlist and let them fuel your spiritual fire. Fill your mind with these fight songs and remember, you’re not alone.

Click the link icon above for the H+H Top 10 Playlist!

What’s your favorite worship song? Share with me in the comments!

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